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Operations Research and Energy

Jointly organized by the Landelijk Netwerk Mathematische Besliskunde (LNMB) and the Nederlands Genootschap Besliskunde (NGB)
Conference Center  “De Werelt”, in Lunteren, on January 17, 2008.

The Landelijk Netwerk Mathematische Besliskunde (LNMB) and the Nederlands Genootschap voor Besliskunde (NGB) jointly organize the one-day seminar "Operations Research and Energy", in Conference Center “De Werelt” in Lunteren, on January 17, 2008.  The seminar is the 10th in a series of annual seminars, following the previous successful seminars on “Operations Research & Enterprise Resource Planning” (1999), “Operations Research in Financial Management” (2000), “E-commerce & Operations Research” (2001), “Capacity management – How operations research models support decision makers” (2002), “New developments in Operations Research software” (2003), "On-line methods: Challenges for OR in a real-time world" (2004), "Mathematical Models for Financial Optimization" (2005), "Operations Research and Health Care" (2006) and  "Operations Research and Public Transportation" (2007).

The Dutch OR Society and the Dutch Network of Operations Research proudly present a collection of presentations which will take the audience through various planning activities that cannot be achieved without OR in the energy world. The demand for energy keeps on growing explosively. Nevertheless, we take for granted that it is always there when we need it, in the quantities that we need. That is why we start our seminar with the production and transportation issues the electricity producing companies are faced with. Nuon (Middelkamp) and KEMA (ir. Bouwman) will discuss the decision making process of where and how to build electricity generating plants. Meesters (ORTEC) discusses the question: is it beneficial to accept extra costs in the short term planning to avoid possible higher costs in the long term in these peak periods? The electricity transportation network is the responsibility of the government institution Tennet. This institute is concerned with the problem of determining how much capacity the network should be able to handle at peak times, and whether the network is capable to cope with requests to transport energy from foreign countries. It also deals with reliability questions such as network failures. The talk of prof. Kling (Tennet) will discuss the latter subject. Like the public transportation market in the Netherlands, also the electricity market has been split into two parts. Tennet maintains the physical network. Companies that produce electricity or buy it, can make use of this network. This construction has been introduced some years ago to encourage competition among the electricity selling companies. The market for trading electricity has become a vivid one, with many (nonproducing) newcomers. This makes the market also interesting for financial institutions. The structure of the trading mechanism will be discussed by prof. La Poutré (CWI & TU/e). The pricing problem of electricity will be the subject dr. van den Berg from Sitmo will discuss. The fossil fuels to produce energy are not only rapidly increasing in price, the world inventory is also limited. Moreover, pollution of ground, water and air are increasing. Especially, the increase of the CO2-level in the atmosphere induces a major change in climate. This makes the need for energy consumption reduction clear. But more realistically a lot of effort is put into new ways of producing energy, such as windmills, solar energy bio-energy and water energy. This involves often the location and planning of these fields of energy, also including new production technology. Dr. de Jong (Maycroft Consulting & EUR) considers a method which can incorporate realistic gas price dynamics and complex physical constraints.

The conference language is English. To participate at the seminar, please go to Registration Seminar and send the form before January 7, 2008. The conference fee is 75 Euro for LNMB and NGB members, and 125 Euro for others. You will receive an invoice after your registration form has been received. The conference fee covers lunch, coffee, tea, and the drinks. 

09.30 - 10.00
Registration and coffee
10.00 - 10.10
Welcome by the chairman Ton Hoff
(click here for the slides of the opening)
10.10 - 10.50
Casper Middelkamp: Optimisation of a Dutch power plant portfolio (Nuon)
(click here for the slides of the presentation)
11.00 - 11.40
Sonja Bouwman: A survey of OR models and techniques for electrical grid companies
(click here for the slides of the presentation)
11.50 - 12.30
Janneke Meesters: Cost effective Product Replenishment in the Oil & Gas Industry
(click here for the slides of the presentation)
12.30 - 14.00
14.00 - 14.40
Wil Kling: Long-term and short-term decision making on the structure of the Dutch electricity network (Tennet)
(click here for the slides of the presentation)
14.50 - 15.30
Han La Poutré: Market-mechanisms for decentralized control and allocation of energy
(click here for the slides of the presentation)
15.40 - 16.20
Thijs van den Berg: Wind Energy: Valuation and Risk Management
(click here for the slides of the presentation)
16.350 - 17.10
Cyriel de Jong: Gas Storage Valuation and Optimization
(click here for the slides of the presentation)
17.10 - 18.00

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