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Tuesday January 16, 2007, Africa Room
  14.00-14.30 Erik Winands (TU/e; Supervisors: Boxma/De Kok)
Branching-type polling systems with large setups
Discussant: Van der Mei (CWI and VU)
  14.30-15.00 Tom Coenen (UT: Supervisors: Boucherie/van den Berg)
An upper bound on multi-hop wireless network performance
Discussant: Koole (VU)

Marco Bijvank (VU; Supervisor: Koole)
Managing decentral inventories at hospitals
Discussant: Melissen (TUD)

  15.30-16.00 Vivek Rai (VU; Supervisor: Koole)
A multiphased approach for modeling and analysis of the BitTorrent
Discussant: Mandjes (UvA)

Tuesday January 16, 2007, Room 7
  14.00-14.30 John van den Broek (TUE; Supervisors: Hurkens/Woeginger)
Timetabling problems at the TU Eindhoven
Discussant: Hurink (UT)
  14.30-15.00 Jacob Jan Paulus (UT; Supervisor: Hurink)
Online scheduling of parallel jobs on two machines is 2 competitive
Discussant: Woeginger (TU/e)
  15.00-15.30 Lolke Schakel (RUG; Supervisor: Sierksma)
Constructing an interferometric array design from the missing set of baseline vector coordinates
Discussant: Hurkens (TU/e)
  15.30-16.00 Martijn Tennekes (UM; Supervisor: Vrieze)
Network formation on directed networks
Discussant: Balder (UU)

Tuesday January 16, 2007, Room 13
  14.00-14.30 Jaroslaw Byrka (CWI; Supervisor: Aardal)
An optimal bifactor approximation algorithm for the metric uncapacitated facility location problem
Discussant: Roos (TUD)
  14.30-15.00 Yana Volkovich (UT; Supervisors: Litvak/Boucherie)
In-Degree and PageRank of Web pages: Why do they follow similar power laws?
Discussant: Núñez Queija (CWI)
  15.00-15.30 Wemke van der Weij (CWI; Supervisor: Van der Mei)
Performance optimization of Web servers
Discussant: Litvak (UT)

Tuesday January 16, 2007, Room 13a

Yeming Gong (EUR; Supervisor: De Koster)
The multi-location transshipment problem with positive replenishment lead times
Discussant: Van Ommeren (UT)

  14.30-15.00 Matthijs Streutker (RUG; Supervisors: Klein Haneveld/Van der Vlerk)
ALM modeling for dutch pension funds: Indexation and new regulatory rules
Discussant: Teunter (Lancaster University)
  15.00-15.30 Denis Miretskiy (UT; Supervisor: Scheinhardt)
Efficient simulation of a tandem queue with server slow-down
Discussant: Adan (TU/e)

Wednesday January 17, 2007, Africa Room
  14.15-14.45 Conno Hendriksen (UT; Supervisor: Schutten)
Optimizing spare part inventory control for service contracts
Discussant: Thuijsman (UM)
  14.45-15.15 Ozge Ozdemir (Gurkan/den Hertog)
Optimal threshold levels in stochastic fluid models via simulation-based optimization
Discussant: Boxma (TU/e)
  15.15-15.45 René Haijema (UvA; Supervisor: Van der Wal)
Control of traffic lights by decomposition of Markov decision problem
Discussant: Scheinhardt (UT)

Wednesday January 17, 2007, Room 7
  14.15-14.45 Ivan Ivanov (TUD; Supervisor: Roos)
Parallel implementation of a semidefinite optimization solver on a distributed memory cluster.
Discussant: Den Hertog (UvT)
  14.45-15.15 Elleke Janssen (UvT; Supervisors: Den Hertog/Strijbosch)
Assessing the effects of using demand parameters estimates in inventory control
Discussant: van der Vlerk (RUG)
  15.15-15.45 Gijs Rennen (UvT; Supervisor: Den Hertog)
Upper bounds on two-dimensional l2-maximin Latin hypercube designs
Discussant: Hendrix (WUR)


Wednesday January 17, 2007, Room 13
  14.15-14.45 Marloes Cremers (RUG; Supervisors: Klein Haneveld/Van der Vlerk)
A day-ahead paratransit planning problem
Discussant: Stougie (TU/e)
  14.45-15.15 Leo van Iersel (TU/e; Supervisors: Keijsper/Stougie)
Resolving ambiguity in genetical data
Discussant: Vredeveld (UM)
  15.15-15.45 Peter Korteweg (TU/e; Supervosor: Stougie)
Aggregation that makes sense
Discussant: Müller (UM)


Wednesday January 17, 2007, Room 13a
  14.15-14.45 Al-Ibrahim, Assil (UvA; Supervisor: Van der Wal)
A semi Markov decision approach for train conflict resolution
Discussant: Bhulai (VU)
  14.45-15.15 Robin Nicolai (EUR; Supervisor: Dekker)
A general framework for statistical inference on discrete event systems
Discussant: Heidergott (VU)
  15.15-15.45 Taoying Yuan (VU; Supervisor: Heidergott)
Gradient estimator of a multi-component maintenance system using measure-valued differentiation
Discussant: Boucherie (UT)

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