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Dutch OR Groups

Project 9b. Eindhoven University of Technology
Stochastic Operations Research

Leaders Prof.dr.ir. S.C. Borst, Dr. S. Kapodistria
Address Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven
Phone 040 247 5105 (Borst), 040 247 5825 (Kapodistria), 040 247 7389 (secretary)
Website https://spor.win.tue.nl/research/sor/
Research staff
  • Dr. M.A.A. Boon
  • Prof.dr. S.C. Borst
  • Prof.dr. O.J. Boxma (emeritus)
  • Dr. A.J.E.M. Janssen (advisor)
  • Dr. S. Kapodistria
  • Dr. J.A.C. Resing
  • Dr. J. Sanders
  • Dr. F. Sloothaak
  • Prof.dr. A.P. Zwart (0.2 fte)
Research themes

  1. Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Complex Systems Operating under Uncertainty
  2. Queueing Theory, Random Walks, and High-Dimensional Markov Processes
  3. Large Deviations and Scaling Limits for Large-Scale Stochastic Networks
  4. Data-Driven Optimization and Reinforcement Learning
  5. Reliability of Societal Infrastructure Networks
  6. Mathematical Foundations of Future Energy Systems